Section II: Early Literacy

Section Introduction

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the three early literacy domains that form a foundation for literacy learning.
  • Explain the relationship between the three early literacy domains.

Key Vocabulary

alphabetic principle
letter knowledge
phonological awareness
print awareness

Chapter 3: Print Awareness

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the elements of print and book awareness.
  • Be familiar with an effective instructional strategy for teaching print awareness.

Key Vocabulary

book conventions
conventions of print
functions of print
print awareness
print referencing

Chapter 4: Letter Knowledge

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the components of letter recognition instruction.
  • Explain how letter shapes can affect students’ learning of letter names.
  • Explain how the properties of a letter’s name may affect students’ ability to learn its sound.
  • Explain why the practice of spending the same amount of instructional time on each letter may not be effective.
  • Be familiar with effective instructional strategies, practices, and activities for teaching letter recognition.

Key Vocabulary

continuous stroke
letter-name iconicity
letter-sound correspondence
lowercase letters
phonological similarity
uppercase letters

Chapter 5: Phonological Awareness

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the relationship between phonological and phonemic awareness.
  • Identify the developmental levels of phonological awareness, and provide examples of the skills within each level.
  • Describe some general guidelines for phonological awareness instruction.
  • Be familiar with effective instructional strategies, practices, and activities for teaching each level of phonological awareness.

Key Vocabulary

continuous sounds
Elkonin sound boxes
phonemic awareness
phonological awareness
stop sounds