Section IV: Reading Fluency

Section Introduction

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the relationship between reading fluency and decoding and comprehension.
  • Identify the key elements of reading fluency.
  • Be familiar with the variables that influence a student’s fluent reading of a specific text.

Key Vocabulary

reading fluency
reading rate
word-reading accuracy

Chapter 9: Fluency Assessment

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the purpose and uses of ORF CBM assessment.
  • Be able to calculate an ORF score.
  • Explain how ORF norms are used in fluency assessment.
  • Identify the characteristics that are measured in a prosodic reading assessment.
  • Be familiar with effective methods for assessing reading fluency.

Key Vocabulary

aim line
baseline median ORF score
curriculum-based measurement (CBM)
dysfluent reading
oral reading fluency (ORF)
ORF CBM assessment
ORF norms
ORF score
prosodic reading
words correct per minute (WCPM)

Chapter 10: Fluency Instruction

Learning Objectives

  • Identify four instructional methods for building reading fluency.
  • Describe how to choose the right text for fluency instruction.
  • Be familiar with effective instructional strategies, practices, and activities for building fluency.

Key Vocabulary

assisted reading
independent silent reading
levels of text difficulty
partner reading
phrase-cued reading
repeated oral reading